exams were horrible, to say the least.
and because of my seatmate, i'm bound to be moved to the first row next week. this is just like what happened last year. ugh. way to go, klier. T__T
but i can't really resist her, she's a really good friend and all. and we " need" each other. shariah's not a very good friend to her.. she only hangs out with klier when she needs her and when klier needs her she's always "ikaw kasi..." and i can't stand that. i enjoy her company, but she can be really needy in tests.. but that's okay. sigh
we had the exams for three days. but we only had two subjects that day, pehm and computer and we were dismissed real early cause of the MI stuff going on. but srsly, i don't feel like we're in any danger! lollerz. my mom's not letting me go to marbel with val anymore, because it's not safe
daw. ugh. i really need new clothes. fudge them MI's.
so last thursday was my cousins' birthday[or is it birthdays? whatever. i can't think right now. lol]-inna and rd. no, they're not twins. and they're not related. inna is my cousin on the del corro side and rd is on the lim side... so i bought chuckie for inna[she loves it, idk why] and went home and read a bit. then around 5 or 6 i went to rd's but i didn't really greet her a happy birthday because i'm kind of mad at her for being lezbo. lollerz[ate cam please don't tell anyone
concerned about this. ;) ]
then at 7 i went to inna's because i like her better. lol
today, i hung out with inna and yssa all day. we hung out at their internet cafe then went to our moms' to eat cause they were having this late birthday celebration thingy. so tomorrow i'm gonna be real busy, cause i have to make my project.. together with daniel, pm, emerson and cj's. they're all paying me, of course. i need money kasi. lol. i'm buying an mp3 player. ;)
i might have something actually interesting to blog about soon. [*crosses fingers.]
last sunday i [finally] went out. i went with emerson and vanessa e., pm and kristine, valerie, precious, tessa, anna and christian.
daniel[tessa's] was supposed to come too, but his mom wouldn't let him. and so no dates for valerie and precious. kuya dominic[anna's] was supposed to come with daw, but being a senior and all, he was too busy. thank goodness they weren't able to come! i'm not that close with christian, and i don't think i could think of anything to talk about if i'd get stuck with him.. haha
btw, christian and tessa's parents only thought that they were going to a party.[lol] so we had to pay for them.. but it's all good. :)
so after mass-and our failed attempt to make daniel come- we went to the bus station and waited. flery ann was there too, but she was with her mother. i asked precious why she didn't have her boyfriend with her[her mom knows. lol]. and she just said that she didn't know. i asked tessa and she said that he didn't say he wanted to come. hah! in yer face betch! he doesn't like you no more! all that walking you home and chocolates everyday was nothing. it was just for show. and, and somebody told me that flery ann was planning on breaking up with him after their monthsary. haha. then this afternoon, tessa and i made a bet that they wouldn't last a month and a week. xDD
so, when we got on the bus and i passed her, i walked a bit slowly and tried staring at her real bad but she looked away cause she prolly realized that that's what i'm gonna do to her every time our eyes would meet. lol
we arrived an hour later and got down at kcc. we went to the cinemas to check movie schedules.. we were an hour late for the second screening.. so we decided to have lunch first then watch. i didn't have lunch, i just went to the department store cause there was a sale. :)) the watch isn't there anymore, and the black jeans that i liked weren't, either. boo-hoo. but i got to buy a top though. lol
after that, i went to the food court to meet them people and waited.. but they were so slow.. so i decided to window-shop na lang.. then at 12, i went back and they were just finished. so we went to buy tickets na.. anna and christian[and they did] and me wanted to watch prom night, while the others wanted to watch a very special love. i've seen prom night already, but i was sure that avsl was full, cause it was a sunday and all.. but tessa was forcing me to watch avsl.. so i walked to the other line.. damnit! i'm NEVER, ever! gonna watch a fil movie in cinemas anymore! we sat up front. or should i say, down front? yeah. on the very first row. it was the worst hour of my life.
but the movie was fun though.. it was nice to see a fil romantic comedy without all the disgusting kissing scenes. hah.
after the movie, i went to fit mart with emerson cause he asked me to pick out a necklace for vanessa e. on her birthday. sweet, huh? lolz. omgosh. i hope she likes it. she should! or else i'm dead. xD
idk why i'm feeling all happy about it-about the thought that flery ann and arnem aren't working out at all. i mean, i shouldn't care, shouldn't i? i don't care about james anymore. and i regret liking him in the first place! and mk.. i see him as nothing more than a friend. john.. well, john is a nobody to me now. but why do i care now? why? i'm so stupid. darn it. i thought i was doing so well. urgh.

my copy of new moon has just arrived today cause my mom had to wait for her glasses to get done.
breaking dawn is killing me! ampft. i'm still waiting for the good part. i'm reading an ebook from Greysh- the book i ordered hasn't arrived yet. it was supposed to arrive today.. if the seller used air21. but she didn't. darn it.
exams won't be next week.. they're gonna be on 20th-22nd. haha. woo-hoo! three days na! lolz. we had a recollection yesterday, but i didn't attend. i'm not really into those imagine your father lying on his deathbed, what will you say? stuff. i got my red shirt today,i was the only one with stars on my name. my number was 01[edward's year], because someone else had 18. pero it is still hideous! i refuse to wear it! but, but... i must. urgh.. or else Mayor Ray would kill me.
flery ann is stupid. she's telling me that she doesn't like it when i ignore her but when i try to be nice to her, she's being awkward and walks away. and then she starts telling people i'm mad at her. betch!
you're probably wondering why i'm not as masipag as i promised in blogging anymore, that's cause nothing's up. nothing interesting. even i can't believe it. but it's pretty cool, cause all i ever worry about is school and clothes. [x33]
everybody in class is having a great "love life" right now. although i miss mine, i'm enjoying being single. haha.. this is starting to get weird.
omgeez people!! i cannot wait!! shet. i absolutely cannot wait! mom's coming back tomorrow and she's gonna bring me my New Moon!! xDD and i bought a copy of Breaking Dawn on eBay and it's arriving any time during this week! haha. i used so many exclamation points already, but i'm just freaking excited! waahhh! i can't wait to get my hands on BD!!! pwaha. i might have to bring BD to school again, cause i'd be so caught up with reading again. darn it. i'm gonna be soo distracted with twilight this week. and i think our exams are gonna be next week. ampft.
so yesterday i went to marbel with fadur and valerie to buy shoes, and i went to penshoppe to buy the watch na but the saleslady said they ran out of stock daw. i was so devastated. i mean, they don't make them anymore so how can i possibly get one now?! kainis.
i already talked to vanessa E. and she said that we were gonna go to marbel [again] on aug.10 to watch a very special love. i'm not gonna watch, because i've had enough of those type of movies. haha. i'm just gonna look around while waiting for them to finish. i don't want to spend the money i saved for the watch eh, cause who knows? by some miracle maybe they would have them again. ;