i'm here at the cafe again coz our internet at home is broken. ^__^ i went out right after bell rang i'm pretty sure my teacher's gonna kill me tomorrow. i just had more reasons to hate mondays in school:
social studies- we're supposed to make a water clock and pass it on friday. and my groupmates are like O__o. i have no idea how to do it.
math-read nancy drew. it was way better than my math teacher yelling every few minutes. (true!)
i ate very little during recess. i ate 1/4 of the contents of nips because i didn't eat breakfast and my classmates asked for some of my food. [thank you!] i just needed some sugar because i didn't want to fall asleep in
biology-experiment. we heated chemicals in test tubes and everything. i tried it a bit and i felt the stuff in the test tube boiling. haha
i ate beef something for lunch, took a capsule of absorbic acid and tons of juice.
filipino-Sir Ancheta was soo scary. He would hit the black board, tables, chairs, almost everything actually. haha.
english-i love this subject. i copied a lot and paid attention to the teacher then he made us construct sentences by group and my effin groupmates were like, "van, you're really good at this, you know.. why don't you just make the sentences?" like i had a choice.. then our teacher said it was gonna be homework instead and it was gonna be done individually instead and they were all, "van, do ours and you won't have to pay the 120 pesos you owe us." see, i promised that i wouldn't look or talk to him all day and when they would catch me looking, i'll pay them. but i can't help but look at him..how stupid of me.
the keys on this keyboard are so damn soft i want to type forever. i love typing on this..
parang laptop! haha.
i'm listening to courage by superchick right now. beautiful song!

Sometimes it's just a
smile or maybe just a
look, but it means a whole
hell of a lot
more than
anything you could ever