reunion was okay. i met my nephew, sophie. she was so effin cute!i didn't get to buy stuff i wanted, just a few books

and magazines.. i need new clothes.. hmpf, i'm still so tired. i've had this headache since last night. classes on the 7th, and i'm failing biology. i don't have my project and investigatory thingy yet. boo me. so, the books i bought, a tale of two cities, and another classic. i also bought ok! with j.lo on the cover and starstudio with anne because there wasn't any candymag available yet. and.. reader's digest. our maid of 9 years left the other day and i have chores, psshh. i'm so gonna be busy, i'm buying groceries tomorrow if i see my dad. : } i decided that i'm gonna be optimistic about this year. so instead of a to-do list, i will have a list of my achievements of some sort, it would be fun. well, i have to clean up my stuff now, bye! : }