Robi Domingo
I've just finished reading ate Camille's book, hp6. [thanks ate!] now i'm reading hp7. i can never get to much of harry potter. haha
so okay, i have a new crush. :) yeah i know he looks kinda gay on those pics but i'm too lazy to find some more. ~__~
my days have been so boring. nothing new. i wake up and sleep late. and i drink milk. haha. i'm loving milk right now, idk why. i also have csi/house marathons every night and i haven't watched GG online in a while now, and etc repeats episodes! grrr...
last sunday i went to church at 6:30 because there was gonna be an easter egg hunting thing after, which valerie and my cousins joined. kids. so that's when they have the english mass. the tagalog at 8.00 and ilonggo at 9.30 sucks, not to metion the church gets hotter at those times. i wasn't really looking for eggs but this shiny thing caught my eye and i found an egg. haha. then, i went with my friends at sean's, then atech. i saw arnem and i didn't get to talk to him which was a bummer cause we only see each other on sundays, and he doesn't have a cellphone. so yeah, i'm sort of in a long-distance relationship.[feeler.]
i don't like my lyt anymore. but i can't find good skins.. hmmppfft. care to share any good makers? :)