I was tagged by
Nica and
1. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about himself/herself.
2. Bloggers tagged need to write ten things and post the rules.
3. At the end of the blog, you need to choose ten people you're going to tag and list their names.
4. Don't forget to comment to their site that they're tagged.
1. I get over break-ups easily.
2. I read harry potter in school and textbooks at home.
3. Big Fish is my all-time favorite movie.
4. I am addicted to Nutella and Krispy Kreme
5. I get bored easily.
6. I'm horrible at reading aloud.
7. I have OCD.
8. I don't text much.
9. I eat isaw, but not dinuguan.
10. I get mad easily.
I tag: anyone. :D