i have just finished watching nancy drew and the 13 episodes of GG. next up, i'm watching breakfast at tiffany's[out of curiosity.lol].. youth camp was great, i had so much fun. :D there weren't any elders to tell us what to do, so basically it was all us. i was a prayer warrior and i have to admit.. even though i have like a super religious mother.. i have
ever prayed so much in my life. lolz. as usual, though. i was very lazy. so on the second day, i got really tired that i went inside a tent and lied down. then one of the heads saw me and told me to wash pots. it was fun. super! haha. i didn't get to finish though cause i was wearing shorts and it was super hot.. so i just hid. ;] i wore white all the time. so sad.. i wasn't able to join in the fun last sunday[last day] cause the people i were with collected pots and pans and cleaned them up. they were soo dirty. we didn't use stoves or charcoal, you see. we used wood. haha. ;]
then, when we got back to tacurong we decided to go on a roundtrip. all of us sat on top of of the tricycle while our stuff were inside, we went to a place a bit outside of tacurong and it was raining so hard there. when we got back to tacurong, people were staring at us cause we were soaking wet and it was just drizzling there. haha
it was really tiring, but fun. arnem stopped text-messaging me and he's starting to be weird. i hate it when that happens. gah. you know how it is when guys are like all into you from the courting stage to your first month and suddenly you have no idea what's up with him and how he is? urgh. that's exactly how things are right now. i feel so confused.
so anyway, my brother has summer classes. no, he's not failing.. he's just reviewing for this ncae test thingy. he's got allowance again and so i asked my dad to give me a summer job. haha. it's really fun. i get to sit in front of the computer all day while i'm here in the office.. :D
well, that's it. i have to get going now.. i'm decorating my notebook where i write my short stories and i still have to make a new diary cause my old one's full. ciao! ;]

It doesn't matter how long you've known him.
All that matters is that,
he's had you smiling from day one.