it's been a while since i last posted a real post, cause i have been too lazy to post. we broke up, i dunno if i should be happy or not, but whatever. the feeling was already gone when it happened. pero like the quote, i'm scared that it would all come back when we see each other. geez.
just like mina, we had a reunion. haha. but ours had more girls in it. there were 4 or 6 guys there but they left early so there were two of them left... see, one of my girl ex-classmates is leaving for new jersey soon, so we decided to get together and hang out. so after the third mass last sunday, we met at church. then walked all the way to new rosario to pick up kristan, arvin and ron-ron[lol]. my gawd, it was so fudging hot. good thing i was wearing a white top or all the sweat would show. yuck.
then, we ate at beaux while waiting for the boys who went to ron-ron's cause they watched the boxing thing on abs.[lol] just when we were about to text them for the nth time, they came! lolz. so patrice and i went to ayessa's dentist and waited for her braces to get done while the others were at this internet cafe. after some time, pat & i decided to go to the cafe as well and yeye texted us that she was done, so we all went straight to her house. on the way to her place i saw their car parked at the hospital pa so i thought they stopped over or something.. i was right! lolz. we went to their house and she wasn't even there yet. hmpft.
so we waited a bit for her to get home and we watched television and made kwento and stuff.. when she got home, we had lunch and continued to watch more tv and talked and talked. it was fun. ;]
around 3-4, we went to the park and walked around and sat. lol. people around us were eating and stuffs and we didn't have anything so we were all, "wow! braces! burger naman jannn!" at yeye. haha. then around 5, we all went home. the end. haha
nakakatawa pa nga is chin-chin[the one leaving] wasn’t able to come. haha ;]

with the two g?ys i was talking about.

i had the worst poses evah. 10 seconds aren't enough for me to think of poses that were goofy enough. lolz
this would be my last post for this month, I suppose. I’m too lazy to update nga. but don’t worry, I’ll be checking up[and commenting] on your sites as often as I can.