fucking betch.
that little bitch. i wanna cut her head off.
so after we watched the happening, our teacher told us to make a review. and being the diligent student i try to be, i got to work immediately. [lol]
then i brought it to school yesterday, cause i was hoping i could pass early cause i knew i would lose it if i'd pass it sooner. shariah sits behind my seatmate. so she saw me inserting my review to my english notebook and she asked to see it. so there i was. given 5 seconds to think about this. i've already heard about the rumors spread about by her previous seatmates that she's a user and all, but i still let her see it. then
her:Van, pwede mahiram to? tignan ko lang yung format.. di kasi ako marunong
me: ha? i rewrite ko pa kasi yan..
her: sige na van, di kasi ako marunong.
Me:gusto mo, ipa-xerox ko na lang to..
her: talaga van? sige van.. thank you!
this morning:
me: sha, patingin daw ng review mo..
her: pangit man to.. pang editorial yung ginawa ko.
then i remembered that she was part of the school paper. and that she just went to this journalism seminar thingy last month. yeah sha, you really have no idea how to make a freaking review.. *reads her review* "ginaya ko lang yung format mo.. di ko kasi alam paano." the rumors are true! so true! she copied my sentences. word per word. MY WORDS. so after that, i told her..
me: sha, pwede irevise mo yung review mo? kasi-
her: ha? oo gani.. yung format mo kasi..
me: hindi ah. yung sentences talaga. kagaya sa akin. baka isipin ni ma'am, ako yung nanggaya niyan. first honor ka pa naman, ako hindi. syempre iisipin ni ma'am ako nanggaya. sige na be..
her: sige.
she had an hour and a half to do it. but she didn't! that little bitch.
me: sha, narevise mo na?
her: ay, wala. wala kasi time.. sa tuesday na lang.
oh you crazy little bitch. ma'am said the deadline was friday. i bet she was confident that ma'am would take her side. but noo, she's wrong. freaking wrong. after english, valerie went up to ma'am aleta[they're friends] and told her about it. i wasn't satisfied, of course. so i talked to ma'am aleta too, and even promised to her that i would bring my draft next week.
i'm done letting her step on me like that. it's about time i stand up to her. two years ago she had an easily-manipulated sidekick with her to make me look more evil than her. now she doesn't, cause klier doesn't like it when she does her dirty work. lol
super excited and nervous for notre dame day. them sienans are coming over. [yikes!] haha, just kidding. i'll come to school extra late on monday to have an entrance..haha
i should've saved my previous icon for this post! ;)