Teresa gave me a bracelet for our anniversary last Sept 24th. it was so pretty and i wore it for two days straight. then the other day, it started to itch. i totally forgot that i was freaking allergic to silver! but i didn't tell her cause i knew it would make her feel bad. but then Val saw the red blotches from my hand up to my forearm, and told Tessa. Then she told me not to wear it. I feel so bad. I mean, I didn't have anything to give her last Wednesday, and so I decided to keep wearing the bracelet to show her how much i appreciate it, and now i can't! ugh. I feel so guilty. Kaya nga I'm so gonna make it up to her on her birthday, October 20th. I won't be here that day cause RD and I need to go to this court trial thing at Marbel, but I'll find a way.
exams. from cheat dependent to cramaholic, these are the things I learned from the past week: 1. to study at least a week before exams and 2. to read my books everynight instead of waiting for the ting tings and maroon 5 on mtv while watching house reruns on axn.
my eyebags are more horrible than ever, srsly. people in school notice. not only because of the exams, but because of the Youth Camp as well. I.need.rest. good thing there aren't any classes tomorrow! lol
Filipino was terrible. Noli Me Tangere does not interest me and I only read half of the ten chapters that out teacher said we should study for the night before. It was pure agony, I and it couldn't make any sense because we don't have a Filipino dictionary at home. As for chem, I finally got it right at the last minute. props to Vanessa E. for being an awesome tutor. :D
We checked some test papers yesterday, and i got 49/50 on AP because i spelled geneology instead of genealogy and surprise, surprise. i got 37/40 on Filipino. ^^

this is rey. everybody just loves rey. lol
The Youth Camp was okay. We prayer warrioprs did seven rounds of rosaries during the second day and it got pretty eerie during the night. but thanks to Jezza, Rea, and all my other super-crazy friends, we were able to shake it off during our five-minute breaks.