Saturday, October 25, 2008
The year after.
It's time for a change (again).
I've grown tired of the way I blog, I keep on saying that I blog to express myself, but with how things have turned into, I feel that something else has been happening. So dear readers, i must go; i won't be blogging for a while. i'll miss you guys. <3
12-17 i'm right
here. ;]
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
i miss reading archie comics.
updating when not busy.
fle: ♪ your voice, was the soundtrack of my summer ♪
me: nung march pa kaya yan.. ngayon mo lang narinig?
lollerz..or not. ;)
Friday, October 3, 2008
think happy thoughts.
i won't be here for the weekend.
i'm gonna go to himagsikan-another YFC event. parang intrams. idk why i'm going, i'm not even joining any of the games. oh, right. because i haven't seen yssa in weeks. [like i even miss her, lol!]
i don't want to go to himagsikan. i just want to sleep all weekend.
but i have to go. besides, wala na yan next week. i can rest next week. yeah van, the week before the exams.
urgh. i feel like a zombie. T__T
i got 37/60 on geometry. and my participation in all my classes are extremely low, because i always fall asleep in class. stupid insomia.
and i need to catch up on my reading. filipino is gonna be fine, [hopefully]. thanks to the english versions online.
classes start at 1:30.
i'm gonna go take a nap now. ;)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
until then i'll sleep
Teresa gave me a bracelet for our anniversary last Sept 24th. it was so pretty and i wore it for two days straight. then the other day, it started to itch. i totally forgot that i was freaking allergic to silver! but i didn't tell her cause i knew it would make her feel bad. but then Val saw the red blotches from my hand up to my forearm, and told Tessa. Then she told me not to wear it. I feel so bad. I mean, I didn't have anything to give her last Wednesday, and so I decided to keep wearing the bracelet to show her how much i appreciate it, and now i can't! ugh. I feel so guilty. Kaya nga I'm so gonna make it up to her on her birthday, October 20th. I won't be here that day cause RD and I need to go to this court trial thing at Marbel, but I'll find a way.
exams. from cheat dependent to cramaholic, these are the things I learned from the past week: 1. to study at least a week before exams and 2. to read my books everynight instead of waiting for the ting tings and maroon 5 on mtv while watching house reruns on axn.
my eyebags are more horrible than ever, srsly. people in school notice. not only because of the exams, but because of the Youth Camp as well. good thing there aren't any classes tomorrow! lol
Filipino was terrible. Noli Me Tangere does not interest me and I only read half of the ten chapters that out teacher said we should study for the night before. It was pure agony, I and it couldn't make any sense because we don't have a Filipino dictionary at home. As for chem, I finally got it right at the last minute. props to Vanessa E. for being an awesome tutor. :D
We checked some test papers yesterday, and i got 49/50 on AP because i spelled geneology instead of genealogy and surprise, surprise. i got 37/40 on Filipino. ^^

this is rey. everybody just loves rey. lol
The Youth Camp was okay. We prayer warrioprs did seven rounds of rosaries during the second day and it got pretty eerie during the night. but thanks to Jezza, Rea, and all my other super-crazy friends, we were able to shake it off during our five-minute breaks.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i miss rugrats. ; )
You know what? I take back what i said.. chem is crap. It does not make any sense at all. curse them sub-energy levels! It used to be boring and easy, but now it's boring AND difficult.
Remember the Youth Camps I go to? Well, there's another one. It's gonna be on the 26th til the 28th. Right after the exam. I'm so freaking excited! lolz. We're gonna have so much fun.. i heard there were gonna be 60+ people going. ;D I cannot wait to get the exams over with. My recruits haven't paid their registration fees yet[my deadline is on the 25th], and so i'm not sure if i'd be able to come to the camp. ugh. i really, really hope i can.
that was just a short update. I won't be here til the 28th. ciaooo
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Our school was the sponsor for the 8am mass today, but Valerie and I woke up late-so we went to church around 8:40 or something. then after the mass, we were planning to stay for the 4th mass, but then we saw Jorena, Ysa and Patrice and they invited us to go to Montessori for their family day. But before that we went to penstar-i'm not really sure what the name of the store was- cause Valerie needed a new notebook and I saw ate Camille on the way. ;)
then, we walked all the way to Montessori with Leonard and Earl too. it was nice to be back there again. we were so noisy while they were having the program and their principal was like "grade six, you're so noisy. oh, that's not the grade six pala. welcome back alumnae!" lolz. then we went to the canteen and saw Baby Anne there and her father gave us free drinks. yeys! haha. i didn't spend a cent today. I just lurve free stuff. haha. then we saw Chard with his mother and we asked him to treat us but he said he didn't have money, but we still kept asking him. then his mother heard us and she gave us money. yeahuh! haha
then we went to the grade five classroom and talked and stuff four hours. then around 1 o'clock, we left and went to this place that made cakes cause Pat, Ysa and Jorena were gonna have one made for their friend's birthday tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I'm kinda scared about tomorrow. One, I have to do this report for Araling Panlipunan. Two, it's Klier. My teacher found out last Monday that Klier was inside our classroom with her boyfriend all day and she thought they were alone and that they were doing something else, but they weren't! and they weren't alone. they were with the other couples pa. eeww, right? and of course Heidi and Spencer were there. haha. and it's all my fault. I let it slip to our teacher. But she already knows that Klier has a boyfriend and she knows that they like to stay at the 3rd floor after dismissal. I don't know why she got paranoid when I said that Klier was upstairs during the basketball match. I'm so pissed. At myself and my adviser who just
loves to see me suffer. ugh. And now Klier's blaming me. Way to go, V.
And because of what happened, the gate by the stairs were closed last Tuesday and I wasn't able to get my books. It's our monthly exam on the 25th and 26th, and i can't study without my books. My notes are pretty much useless, because my teachers don't let us write much because they say everything they say are found in our books. I have no choice but to cram, then. lolz
Saturday, September 20, 2008
hey guys, me again. i have five drafts on this blog now and i've been typing for hours, but i don't know what to post. and that is such a lame excuse to keep me from updating my we didn't have classes last wednesday, thursday and friday. but i was given homework and another movie report. this time it was about Mother Teresa. i didn't really pay attention to the movie because we were watching it with another section to save time, and they were really noisy and there weren't any subtitles. so i had to research about Mother Teresa. ugh. why do they have to make us do reports about such sucky movies anyway? the other day i was on the verge of not doing my report because i was too lazy to do it, but then i had to keep my grades up or else my mom would kill me and projects are like 10% of the final grade for religion.
speaking of grades, i was so shocked to see my grades. i got seven line of 9's and two line of 8's-araling panlipunan and homeroom. but they don't really matter cause my ap teacher hates me and i'm gonna have to help clean the room in order to get a good grade. i'm not the type of person who cleans. so whatever.when my mom saw my grades she was still mad and i was like wtf? that's just two line of 8's and the rest were pretty good. then she said that my teacher talked to her about me not passing an extra-curricular form(it's sort of required for those who are running for ranks). then i told her there is no way i'm gonna get extra points cause i'm horrible at arts for those poster making contests and i suck at sports. and she just said that i should at least try or something, but i'm too lazy to join after-school activities and to chase teachers just to get the points signed. i already have academics to keep up with and now she wants me to join other stuff too. ugh. i hate pressure.
valerie and i went to dad's today and we ate lunch together. it was funn. when dad so my grades, he was estatic. well, except for the teacher's comment part. it said i should be more punctual. lolz. i like dad more now. i mean, i'm not saying he's forgiven or anything.but cause he's much, much more understanding.
i need to study for the monthly exams.. but i'm too lazy. and i have 30 pending comments on friendster and they're like weeks old. ugh. i need a wake-up call. maybe midnight sun would do the trick. ;p

October 2007
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