Monday, April 28, 2008
I was tagged by
Nica and
1. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about himself/herself.
2. Bloggers tagged need to write ten things and post the rules.
3. At the end of the blog, you need to choose ten people you're going to tag and list their names.
4. Don't forget to comment to their site that they're tagged.
1. I get over break-ups easily.
2. I read harry potter in school and textbooks at home.
3. Big Fish is my all-time favorite movie.
4. I am addicted to Nutella and Krispy Kreme
5. I get bored easily.
6. I'm horrible at reading aloud.
7. I have OCD.
8. I don't text much.
9. I eat isaw, but not dinuguan.
10. I get mad easily.
I tag: anyone. :D
Sunday, April 27, 2008
i had my post here, but it got deleted somehow. oh well. lolz. >.<
Be with someone who knows what they have
When they have you.

One of the hardest moments in life is
deciding whether you should give up, or try harder.

People think that if you love
somebody hard enough, then everything
is going to work out. People are wrong.

Always remember, when the pain of holding on is
greater than the pain of letting go, it's time to let go.

At the end of the day, you can either
focus on what`s tearing you apart, or
what`s holding you together.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
gossip girl is back!
hey guys, what's up? yes, gossip girl is back and i am currently watching the latest episode, the blair bitch project. wanna know where? message me right away cause [we all know that] the videos are gonna get deleted soon... ;]
if it wasn't for gossip girl, my day would've been so bad. last night i organized my mother's closet because i had some stuff in my mind and i can't get them out. even music didn't help.. 3 weeks of no communication, it's killing me. you all know what i've gone through for this and i

just can't let go because all my efforts back then would be useless.. T___T. we saw eachother last sunday after church and he didn't even bother to say hi or
even smile at me. gossip girl has saved me. urgh, the loading speed is killing me. hmpft. haha, diba sa touch my body yun? the video was hellah funny. xDD
yesterday i was making a layout from scratch, yes. no template editing. i had to learn blogger's html thing. it was so hard. then when i tried it out on ie it didn't work but it was already fine in firefox. tss. so much for effort. ;[
Saturday, April 19, 2008
my life's pretty much sucky (again.)
gee, i wonder why. :D
my so-called love life is on crisis. haha. just like food crisis. ;]
and the weather is soo not helping my mood.
i want to stay in the shower for hours.
there aren't any good books here anymore, i read them all.
so i'm just sticking with watching movies online.
does anybody know where i can watch the death note movie?
please tell me, thanks. ;]
i wanna change my layout again.
i want them big fonts cause my eyes aren't functioning again. lollerz

bear with me.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
i have just finished watching nancy drew and the 13 episodes of GG. next up, i'm watching breakfast at tiffany's[out of].. youth camp was great, i had so much fun. :D there weren't any elders to tell us what to do, so basically it was all us. i was a prayer warrior and i have to admit.. even though i have like a super religious mother.. i have
ever prayed so much in my life. lolz. as usual, though. i was very lazy. so on the second day, i got really tired that i went inside a tent and lied down. then one of the heads saw me and told me to wash pots. it was fun. super! haha. i didn't get to finish though cause i was wearing shorts and it was super hot.. so i just hid. ;] i wore white all the time. so sad.. i wasn't able to join in the fun last sunday[last day] cause the people i were with collected pots and pans and cleaned them up. they were soo dirty. we didn't use stoves or charcoal, you see. we used wood. haha. ;]
then, when we got back to tacurong we decided to go on a roundtrip. all of us sat on top of of the tricycle while our stuff were inside, we went to a place a bit outside of tacurong and it was raining so hard there. when we got back to tacurong, people were staring at us cause we were soaking wet and it was just drizzling there. haha
it was really tiring, but fun. arnem stopped text-messaging me and he's starting to be weird. i hate it when that happens. gah. you know how it is when guys are like all into you from the courting stage to your first month and suddenly you have no idea what's up with him and how he is? urgh. that's exactly how things are right now. i feel so confused.
so anyway, my brother has summer classes. no, he's not failing.. he's just reviewing for this ncae test thingy. he's got allowance again and so i asked my dad to give me a summer job. haha. it's really fun. i get to sit in front of the computer all day while i'm here in the office.. :D
well, that's it. i have to get going now.. i'm decorating my notebook where i write my short stories and i still have to make a new diary cause my old one's full. ciao! ;]

It doesn't matter how long you've known him.
All that matters is that,
he's had you smiling from day one.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
[edit]for all who care, i'm gonna be at GK for a Youth Camp starting tomorrow. I won't be able to be online til sunday, and i'm prolly gonna sleep all day on sunday.. so see you on monday! ;]
[/edit]we were supposed to get our report card last monday but then it was a holiday, so we went there last tuesday instead. i also got my copy of harbinger, our school paper. eek. the only good part there was that they had posted the graduation pics which i think is the reason why they had it published so late.. btw, they included harry potter and the half-blood prince. gah, hazel talks like it's
the latest book. and they even had 2 articles of hp on one page, side by side! urgh. and eto pa, hp fans, she featured spells from book 6 and they were very disappointing.. rectumsepra? baka naman sectumsempra? AND she refers to snape there as the blood prince. no, not the half-blood prince.. the blood prince. haha. i'm thinking of joining the school paper next year. what do you think? :) lollerz.
yesterday, i went to umpa's house cause we were supposed to have a household[yfc] but we just decided to have a meeting about the youth camp tomorrow. we argued and raised our voices so much that our 'team head' got pissed at us and stopped talking. so we watched hana kimi and then went to the park and did the usual. spy on couples dating-who think nobody's watching, btw, we also made parinig. haha

good thing myka brought her camera this time. haha

left to right: jazzie, tessa, me, valerie and precious

myka, jazzie, valerie, tessa, precious, ken and me.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
i've been too err,
lazy to blog. lollerz. so uhm, i had a haircut yesterday.. a bit shoter than ate camille's hair.. siguro mga katulad kay mina.. but i have unbelievably thick hair, and the cut is so straight. i look absolutely hideous. grrr! i feel terrible whenever i take pictures. hmpft. >.<
Gensan was okay. i still love davao. :) they didn't have candymag in their malls! boo-hoo. kainis. so i ate some chicken at kfc for breakfast and i ordered the spicy one, cause they only had wings in original recipe and i don't eat wings, lol and i thought it wasn't THAT spicy.. i was so wrong. my mouth was so hot. grr. so yeah, it wasn't a finger-licking moment. haha. ~___~
so uhm, there's this girl asking me to exchange links with her, [it's not you, ate frances. :)] and i have already posted this thing on my links section that i'm not open for link-ex anymore. hindi man lang ba yon nabasa?!?! uhh. it's not that i'm trying to embarrass her or anything. pero.. i don't like having link people who wouldn't even read my blog and just comment to say "new post!". err.. i know naman na you can't comment much cause my posts are getting pretty boring lately.. haha. pero.. please, don't let blogger be like friendster where there's this race on getting as much [friends]link people as you can! nakakainis. lolz. i so look like i'm making the biggest deal out of this, but i'm not. i just felt like talking about it. btw, i deleted her message. and don't bother asking who i'm talking about. mmkay? ^___^
ciao! :)
today isn't going so well. lots of drama here in our house. but something made my day:
roflmfao[yeah i am laughing that hard.] check out my cbox guys, 2 people are stupider than i thought. :D
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