Monday, March 31, 2008
so i went to the party. gaahh i ate so much and i feel terrible. boo.

i'm too lazy to upload pics. ~____~
it rained this morning really hard and i was scared cause i though it was gonna flood. lollerz.
so tomorrow my mom and i are going to GenSan.. gah, i don't have any money yet. boo-hoo.
I'm thinking of getting a summer job.. what do you think?
i made this test thing. would you mind taking it? :)
Thursday, March 27, 2008

wtf Candy?!? Out of all the beautiful[can't find a better word] photos of Leighton Meester, you choose that? gaah. I'm even more disappointed at Candy now. But, I'm still buying. haha
Tonight we're having dinner at this place, i'm not sure of the spelling.. the Palm Pavilion because it's my aunt's birthday and her daughter, RD graduated yesterday as salutatorian - don't know the spelling, either. lollerz. Should I come? hmm.. it's just gonna be more food, and as you all know, I'm dieting for the nth time... But Rd's gonna kill me, I mean, I didn't even come to here graduation yesterday! boo-hoo. I'll figure something out. lollerz.
Any plans for the summer? :) Idk what the date is today. By the way, Sam C. is gonna be on CandyChat on March 28, kaya I'll be online at 7-8pm. haha. fan ako o. ~__~
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
hot as ice.

Robi Domingo
I've just finished reading ate Camille's book, hp6. [thanks ate!] now i'm reading hp7. i can never get to much of harry potter. haha
so okay, i have a new crush. :) yeah i know he looks kinda gay on those pics but i'm too lazy to find some more. ~__~
my days have been so boring. nothing new. i wake up and sleep late. and i drink milk. haha. i'm loving milk right now, idk why. i also have csi/house marathons every night and i haven't watched GG online in a while now, and etc repeats episodes! grrr...
last sunday i went to church at 6:30 because there was gonna be an easter egg hunting thing after, which valerie and my cousins joined. kids. so that's when they have the english mass. the tagalog at 8.00 and ilonggo at 9.30 sucks, not to metion the church gets hotter at those times. i wasn't really looking for eggs but this shiny thing caught my eye and i found an egg. haha. then, i went with my friends at sean's, then atech. i saw arnem and i didn't get to talk to him which was a bummer cause we only see each other on sundays, and he doesn't have a cellphone. so yeah, i'm sort of in a long-distance relationship.[feeler.]
i don't like my lyt anymore. but i can't find good skins.. hmmppfft. care to share any good makers? :)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
i have some other stuffs in mind, that i can't find time to update.. so
please don't tag me.. really sorry guys. maybe when i'm done with changing my layout, i can do your tags or whatever you call it. lollerz
Friday, March 21, 2008
yesterday, i went to mlc to pick up ate cam's book, and i while i was waiting for baby anne who had the book, i roamed around my alma matter. a lot of stuffs has changed there. the surroundings has improved, but the teachers and their classrooms, haven't. it seems that mlc hired whoever they wanted. the teachers didn't seem so competent. i graduated there knowing a few very good teachers. now, there were two left. and the other one's occasionally too sick to teach.
it's dynamic, progressive
life is great in tacurong!
and it's future looks bright..
i want to punch in the face whoever wrote that stupid tacurong hymn. that person prolly needed the money too bad.
yesterday was my grandfather's birthday. he's gone but we still made pancit. why?
for long life daw. lolz. okay, little story. when he was alive and it was his late mum's birthday, he had pancit and spaghetti for long life daw. lol. okay, i'm laughing at myself now. hahaha
after the 5:30AM mass, my mom and i did the station of the cross thingy, but before that we went to the prayer room/adoration chapel. i went home and boy, me knees hurt soo bad. then i ate nuts. gah. after that, everytime i 'stretched' my legs they would feel numb, then sore. boo-hoo.
i'm bored. it's 2 in the morning. i need a life.
P.S. yeah i'm using smileys again. i can't help it eh. tsskk.~__~
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
summer not so bummer.
quickie update.
i have an
other addiction. tssk.
it's this thing i found on teentalk. it's funny. it's called Rent-A-Boyfriend. i think it's supposed to be a jap story added with a filipino twist. lollerz.
read at your own risk, mmkay?
[link]it's pretty long, so i have to get going. i'm on chapter 19 palang..
Saturday, March 15, 2008
we weren't able to hang out coz my cousins and my effin brother-who is super duper overprotective of me- were there. at least i got to see him though. so, a lot of my classmates are members of Youth For Christ and so they're like really tite with the seniors and i'm close with just a few. after graduation, we all went to the graduates and they gave letters[i was too lazy to make any] , gave hugs, bid goodbye and took photos and they were all crying and stuff. i just shed a tear, lol.
i'm glad i didn't get too close with them, cause i know they're just gonna leave us, and i hate goodbyes. tessa and valerie cried too, because they're crushes were leaving. tessa's gran had an operation at cotabato and she's been there since the 8th and she went back here all by herself yesterday just to say goodbye. well, that's it. klier's okay with her mother now and she's doing everything she says just to please her. shoot, i forgot to ask her if she broke up with her bf or not.. hmpft
oh, before i forget.. tweety's mad at me cause i posted her name here and how much i hated her. err, this is a blog. as in where i post whatever i want, my rants, my feelings and such. just like what at ate camille had said on her blog, "she writes to express and not to impress" , err.. i hope tweety reads this.
Friday, March 14, 2008
supah long post,.-or so i thought
"Sometimes when you think you love someone, you're not always right. Love isn't when you touch and kiss, but its when you realize and admit to yourself: "Di ko yan pwedeng saktan, mahal na mahal ko yan.."
i use too much smileys. okay, from now on i'm not gonna use smileys.
i'm not dead, just really lazy.
i just feel like updating even though i don't really have anything
new to talk about. i went on sidereel and tried to watch GG but the links didn't work anymore.. boo. i guess i'm just gonna be reading all summer then. speaking of, my classmates and i were talking about going to the beach during summer and i was against it but now, i'm
dying to go there. ahh.. the weather is so hot already.
last monday was fun. met up with them classmates in front of our school at 8 and we waited for PM[paulo Miguel] til 9:30. then we went to the resort but the water was so dirty, greenish. yuck. so we went to another one, dirtier. gah. then we went to this really far one and we were so lucky cause they were just filling up the pool and it was clean and there were no other people there. so we chose that place. && then we had a barbecue which the DoTa boys started and we were playing some games in the pool with the Piloters.
oh, before we went in we put on some sunblock lotion and my classmate had just one bottle and everyone used it and there was nothing left. haha. around 12:30 we ate PM's salad, chips and some fish and it was really good, even though i totally hate fish. we took tons of photos but i don't have them, hmpf. then, after we ate we went back to the pool and i was swimming while the others were hiding beneath some trees cause the sun was so hot and they didn't want there skin to get dark. haha. we stayed there til 3 or 4 then we went back to tacurong.
I have a classmate, her name is Klier and her mother found out that she has a boyfriend and she was soo mad at her, she was cursing at her own daughter and Klier just kept on crying and crying. i mean, what's wrong about having a boyfriend if you can keep your grades up, diba? Klier found out that she was rank 6th and she called her mother, thinking that it would make her happy but her mother told her that she was not gonna pin the ribbon on her on graduation and that she was gonna tear her honor card apart if she sees it. tsskk.. i haven't heard from her in a week now and she doesn't reply to our messages.. I hope she's ok..
going to watch graduation with arnem tomorrow.. super excited! hehe's
P.S: since i've stopped using smileys, please get used to my hehe's and haha's. and.. to those who actually read all of that, thank you very much!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Baliw Mode.
So it's like here na. yey, right? naw. i'm not feeling so happy-happy about summer now. i'm so gonna miss my classmates. we're close now, and i never expected us to be. in just 2 months, st. rose finally got united. Everybody's friends with everybody now. Last year we had cliques and we were seemingly restricted from being seen with anyone outside our groups. There were the DoTa boys, Piloters, Ex-Fashioniztas, and a few twosomes and threesomes. Pero wala na ngayon.. :)
So tomorrow I'll be meeting up with them and we're gonna go swimming because one of my classmates is switching schools. i think it's a curse now. tssk.. last year, Diane went back to Marbel and Joan went over the fence[Girls]. And everybody's being so friendly with her and Ariel started saying that he's moving to Davao next year. yeah right. you just want attention. lol
OMG. I'm not the only one who hates Maria Eloisa Garcia a.k.a Tweety pala. lol. I don't think anyone from NDTG reads my blog so ayan. I did the honors of posting her name. haha
I don't have any plans on what to do this summer.. I guess I'll be watching GG online then. etc is soo late eh.
One thing I hate about having a cbox is you can only type 250 characters. i dunno why i put that up, lol.
PBB Teen Plus ba? I wonder what this show is gonna be like.. i remember watching a commercial of this, and this person was all, "Papatunayan ko po na kaya rin ng maiitim na makapasok sa bahay ni Kuya." . So you're saying that Ruben and Will are fair-skinned? lol.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
i have been slacking off for too long now. i've been going to school for nothing lately. well, except for allowance. haha but i'm not saving, i know i should for the summer and all but i just can't help but spend. tskk.. so last monday our section went to the library because there were students taking the fapeh[don't knowthe real spelling] test. it's for a scholarship, i think. and i saw half-blood prince there and i just read all morning. for our two-hour biology period, we went to the avr and watched this documentary which was sooo boring. my classmates had a dvd with the eye/meet the spartans but our teacher wouldn't let us change the cd. stupid teacher. so i went back to the library and checked for half-blood, but a fourth-year was already reading it. clearance signing is obviously over and we're not allowed to bring books out of the library anymore so i decided to let the fourth year read the book since it was her last year and all and that i would just borrow it next year, if i can catch it. cause everybody is always borrowing the effing book, psshh. so uhm, currently reading: the 7 habits of highly effective teens. its okay, i guess. i should've read this earlier, i swear! uhh. kainis. i'm loving this book. haha.
so, flery ann has been absent last monday and tuesday and i thought we were friends, but now she's ignoring me again. bee-yatch! so yesterday, PM brought a banig-don't know what the english word for it is. haha. so yeah, he did and everybody else brought playing cards and pillows and stuffs and we used some illustration boards and we played there while some lied down. and they were actually gambling! haha. they had piles of money at the center. lol. and i took pictures and listened to some songs-we had speakers too-because i was bored nga. the teachers didn't come to our room, we don't even check attendance! and we did everything. the couples in our were cuddling and stuff.. and i, including the rest of the singles in the room were bloody jealous, and we tried hard to hide it. haha. sleepless nights, i've been having. because of reading. and because of that i would go to school at 1:30 or 8am. lol
summer, summer! :)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
i'm gonna draw a picture
i'll do it with a twist
i'll draw it with a carving knife
and put in on my wrist
if i get it right,
a red fountain will appear
to take away my sadness
and wash away my tears
shoot. i'm so gonna be off the 1st section next year. i wanna take summer classes but i don't think my school has that. tskk.. my scores were soo low.. and our exam was uber difficult & our teacher found out about what we do during exams .. so she re-arranged our chairs. we faced the back of the room and her table was behind us. on the riser. soo, what we did? text. she thought actually thought she was smarter than us? oh please.
on a happier note, arnem and i are back! ^__^. okay, we never were boyfriend and girlfriend.. but we're back.. as in the way we used to.. we only have two weeks left. and he does not have a phone. boo. oh, i forgot.. flery and i are friends again. we're not as close as we used to be now, but we're good. on monday, we're having another exam for the students who has the service contract thing. i'm dead meat. more studying? hmpft. after that, i'll be reading normal books again, thank God! i'll be rereading the 7 habits of highly effective teens. i need a wake up call.
i drank like 4 cups of coffee in two days. not the instant coffee one, the real one. pure/native-whatever you call it. and i've been getting like 3-4 hours of sleep every night and i'm feeling soo hyper all the time. but, but my eye bags. you should see them. they're lower than low. and i didn't even study, i've been watching movies and gossip girl online every night eh.. go vanessa! not.
haha. now that i'm back you're probably studying for your finals, huh? lol.
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