Friday, December 28, 2007
this would be my last post for the year. so uhm, i changed my layout because my old one was the same as this other girl's. and i just did my friendster. my cousins from ilo-ilo are here, and tomorrow they'll be driving to davao and they will spend new year's there because they want a firework-free new year's eve, because of the baby. so, i have.. 7 nieces and nephews [that i know]. i am getting old! lmao.
so this afternoon, yssa and i went out and we only had 100 pesos. it was so dull, because we didn't have a camera with us. well, on january first i'll be at davao. and i have to do something.. :}
Thursday, December 27, 2007
tama na.
2008!!! i can't wait for 2008!
my christmas was a total bore. on the 24th, i was supposed to go paint ball-ing with my cousins on my father's side but the place was closed, so we just ate some soup and chicken at this place by the foot of some mountain. i tell you, the service was soo slow and when we came in, the people who work there just looked at us. and then they had gay waitresses. and when this gay guy served our soup he was like strutting or something and out of the blue, i said, "bench pose!" . golly, that was soo stupid of me. ahah. i wasn't expecting any gifts, so i got a cat-stuffed toy. duhr, i hate cats. well at least my grand mother gave me cash, then i have money na, llol. i'm saving up 'cause i'm planning another shopping spree thingy by march. weee
i'm meeting yssa tomorrow, super excited. it's been a while, since our fight and all. and i'm glad your christmas was better than mine. rofl, my layouts suck. my friendster bg is the same as tanya's, and she did hers wayy better and here in blogger, with a girl named camz, huhu.
i'm a total pig. i gained 3 kilos! uh, and on january 1st, we're heading to davao for a del corro reunion. i don't like them, they separate me from the adults, they mix me with the 8-year olds. for goodness' sake, i'm effin 13! uh. and we're not allowed to shop because my cousins would get jealous? heck, nauna nga sila sa davao eh para mamili, tapos kaming huli na pupunta sa davao, hindi pwede mamili? soo unfair. may pasok na sa 7th.. sana umayos na ang lahat by then.. or else. XP
i got this from ate jam. . soo true. lmfao.. READ ON! :D
1. He stares at you alot.
2. He hits you alot. (just play hitting )
3. He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a conversation with you
4. He yelled, "Hi!", to your mum that day she picked you up from school.
5. He blew off his buds to go see "Brown Sugar" with you cuz you couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone.
6. He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process
7. His voice gets softer when ever you two talk.
8. You hung up on him. He called you back.
9. You were invited by him to a group outing.
10. He called you to talk about nothing at all.
11. He imitates your laugh. OK, you do laugh PRETTY LOUD. Which makes you laugh even harder...
12. He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation
13. He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.
14. He uses every possible way to touch you (your hair, face, thighs, KNEES,ect.)
1.She calls you by your full name not just a nick name.
2. She hits you softly on the arm and laughs when you say something funny.
3. She flips her hair when she's talking to you.
4. She touches your arm when she talks to you.
5. She says, "No, I'm not telling you who I like!" with a big smile on her face.
6. She asks you who you like or who you would go out with seemingly interested.
7. When you go to the movies with a bunch of your friends and she is almost always next to you.
8. She criticizes you on a girl you like.
9. You catch her staring at you.
10. She plays with your hair or tries to put make up on you.
11. Her friends outside of school and in school know about you, and says she talks about you a lot.
12. She knows your phone number and address. ( stalker much? )
13. She will try and talk, and spend time with you as much as possible
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
i still remember my post about Christmas a year ago. I gave almost all of the gifts i received away and i felt pretty good. and i never expected something like this to have happened . i went to school with my hair curled and i saw him immediately, actually i have already seen him at simbang gabi, since he's one of the knights of the altar,. what i'm trying to say is, up-close. he didn't even say hi, but i really didn't want to mind, 'cause i might trip, hehe. and then later, we talked and had fun, so I guess we're good, i only have like, 5 nights of seeing him and then it's gonna be a week of agony, sigh. it's my dad's birthday today and i only greeted him like an hour ago. pshh
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I rearranged our seats for the tests so he'd be behind me, mwahaha. and he was starting to be all sweet again, He would be soo close to me, whisper stuffs in my ear and well.. he wasn't mean anymore.. xp then just before our test for religion, i sat next to anne and she sprayed her perfume which i told her smelled like crap on my face, i said, "Ang bastos mo naman." 'cause a bit of it went to my eye, and then later Dee and anne ignored me. Dee puts her bag on my locker so i took it out and hid it cause i was so pissed at them and then later, we had an oral for math and i was staying away from anne and dee kept looking. grr, so then Paulo told me,
"Van, don't forget to remind your sister about my statement tee okay?" [val designs shirts].
"speaking of, what are you giving stephen?"
i mouthed, "my heart!" and said "huh? what's the point?"
and when Dee, Anne, Paulo, Vanessa and I finished, we said our goodbyes. Paulo calls Dee and Anne Babe for show so I started calling my teacher babe too and i think i he thinks he was the one i kept calling. no he wasn't.
I know why he did it... because i was so possessive.. yukyuk. so it'll be back to zero tomorrow. boo me.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
exam on monday. and i don't know why i can't study. i did my friendster again. i wrote a story about this girl who's finally coming back to her boyfriend but on the day they're supposed to meet, he dies. it's called can't cry hard enough and i love it. <3. no, i'm not inlove. i'm on pessimist mode again. just when i was trying to move on, she flirts with him in front of me. i feel so pissed but i try not to show it 'cause she's my friend and i should support her. yssa's finally changing. yeahh. i'm not giving any gifts this christmas 'cause i don't feel like it, so i'm not expecting. I'm so sad. sigh. the 25th will be just a regular day. i'm looking forward to new year's. some of mii resolutions:
1. eat and spend less harder
3.don't care about things that aren't worth it.
4.clean up my room
study. then die.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
i woke up at 6:30 today, so i guess 7 tomorrow? hehe.. i've got work again, flute chords for music and florante & laura for filipino. huhu. i asked flery to ask him what's up and i got my answer. ;| so i was silent for the last two periods that day and i just slept. i was so stupid, after everything i did, everything i planned to do, that happened. sigh. but i'm still gonna be sending in my poem for school paper it's entitled To My Prince[his nickname] from Suri [in case you don't know, Suri is Spanish for princess]
In my world of crashed hearts
and lonely nights
I cry your name
Yet you're still out of sight.
So now you've found her
I know she's better
But deep in my heart, I know
You'll never love her
As much as you love me
I was really in the mood kasi kanina.. ;] And then after class I went out with Pre, Fle, Val and Tessa to find stuffs for Christmas. I got a new Kringle and we decided not to use code names anymore, it's a rich girl and it's so difficult to find a gift for her because she got all she wanted. So, I chose this thing from Bench. and it's pink. she loves pink. harhar
grr! the site where i watch gossip girl is gone.. uhh where do i watch now?? i'm feeling a bit of a headache.. i should lie down..
CONCERT PICS: [i didn't post much 'cause we kinda looked wasted. haha]

Monday, December 10, 2007
malapit na!!!
is life gonna be better now? oh, i hope so. valerie slept here at dad's last night because my brother's at my mom's. so i woke up at 6 in the morning and really rushed. we had our assembly at the gym coz the concert stage was being cleaned up. speaking of concert, it was fun. cueshe's ok pala.. ;] i was feeling good despite the fact that i gained 3lbs this weekend 'cause i don't have any projects anymore.
araling panlipunan-took down some notes [lecture]
math-slept and had a quiz
recess-i didn't eat any.. [ayus!]
biology-we did this thing with a raw chicken wing. disgusting. i'm never eating chicken ever again.
so on the way to the wet lab, we saw I-St. Joseph and Prince was totally checking out J so when I passed J, i was like, "ah, my favorite section, with the little slave of the school band." haha. and then valerie told me a while ago that J went up to her and was all, "Ate, I'm not the one coming up to Prince!" DUH, who asked for his number? who told Prince, whom you've just met, where you live? I'm 13, not 10. :)) but i don't wanna fight her anymore 'cause i found out something so confidential about her and i don't wanna be another pain in her ass. and valerie said, "HUH? i'm valerie, not vanessa!" and her friends laughed their heads off. oh, the joys of having a twin! hehe..
"just when i finally started loving him, his love fades away."
and i'm soo wanting to kill myself for being so dumb. i just let him slip like that! grrr. so do i show him that i do? or do i let go? i tried option two, but it doesn't seem to work.. huhu help!
at the concert yssa followed me around and i would just snob her, and then my NEW best friend pushed me towards her and i screamed, "ew! i don't wanna touch that bitch!" and i didn't really care how she felt then but now i do 'cause that was so rude coz she goes to my school's rival and the concert was at my school and my classmates heard what i said but i have never felt so betrayed in my life! uhh
about the title, i'm currently [and still] worrying about my weight and of course, tests. ah! next week na, so now i have to copy my classmates' notes and READ.READ.READ.
i will watch maging sino ka man, and then on christmas break, i will have gossip girl marathons. ;]
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
i hate drawing. grrr... i have this project for araling panlipunan that i'm supposed to pass within this week. boo. and, i have another thing as well-which is for english, i have to make 2 reports and hand 'em in on monday. sigh, and that's easier, i wish the ap was the one to be passed on monday. hmpf. my day was terrible. i cut myself last night but Tessa didn't get mad for it, and i thought my day would be better. WRONG! my flute got lost and my dad won't give me money to be a new one and he was like soo rude to me. i want to kill him, but no thanks. pwaha. lauren! we have a samahan ng mga malamig ang pasko, too! lmao.. at first i didn't sign up but then my girls were in so i had no choice. i'm not curling my hair on xmas party[moved to the 19th] coz i'm buying the penshoppe watch, the one with like a dozen of straps. i know it's like so 2005 pero that's what i love about tacurong, hehe.. soo late. in fact, skinny jeans started to be "in" here last august lang.. haha.. ;]
and i'm OFF!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
i cannot start my Filipino essays.. sigh. . one about my mother and the other's about the most important thing to me. and i hate filipino. uhh but i have to do it 'cause my monthly test scores were low. i just came from davao. i bought clothes for our Christmas party. i'm playing safe again. haha. i am so dumb when it comes to fashion. i look terrible in skinny jeans so i bought regular ones. i couldn't wear anything that doesn't cover my legs or else my cuts would show and i'm dead. hehe. gossip girl, ang tagal mong mag-load! uhh.. val and louie's still at davao. they'll be abse for school tomorrow. yssa is such a b****! i sent her a letter making her choose between her lezbo lover or me. and, uhh! hate her. she told me she's trying to get over tweetie but look at her
profile, it's screaming tweety. duhr
i wish i was still in davao, but i have a quiz in bio and i have to do this speech for english. i must get higher grades.. pleassee God!
her reply to my letter: [she sent it on friendster]:
van?uhm.di ko maintindihan letter mo.insert ko lang `to.ayaw ko nman na mawala ka sken ehh.tgal2 na nating mg.friends.dami nren nating pinagsamahan,kaya nga uu I admit.kahit na mei konteng love pren ako nffil kei tweetie.di ko na gusto na mkpg.balikan sknya.why?xe ayaw ko na gawin ung mali.kaya nga na enlyten na heart tas mind ko na ung ginawa ko kasi until now nffil iniinsist pren ni inna na mei meaning pren ung smen if mgksma kami.uu nga ganun kme pro di na kami comited.kung ano2 xe iniicp ng iba.kaya nga nga.change na ako for good..I'm trying.ayaw ko nman na because of her mwwla bestfriend ko dbuh?love man kita.&& you that ayt?.tssk.kaya nga ayaw ko na gumawa uli ng mali.kaya nga yung "yssa" na kilala mo dati,and2 pren nman.I know it's too dramatic pro bhala na.I just want to explain.di rin ako mkatawag sa phone eh.always kang wala.I hope you understand mee.I know you're Kelangan ko i.face.ugh.sige tace care.ü
do you know where i can download somewhere down the road by sitti? it's not on limewire..
what happened in makati? uh, i thought it was gonna be martial law again, sayang. :)
October 2007
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December 2007
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